Maryland Area Naturist Association

Some notes about MARNA

We want to keep attracting newcomers!

Here's a note about MARNA that somebody wanted to share after one of our swims.

First, I want to sincerely thank both of you for a truly incredible evening. If it were not for W's patient advice by telephone some weeks ago, G's warm and soothing welcome, and B's (from New York) gentle urging and willingness to navigate several panicked phone calls, this evening would not have been possible for me. I am very grateful to all of you.

I was so nervous I almost left several times prior to the start of tonight's event. And the result? It was one of the best evenings I can remember! It was so, well, natural. And it felt great to be in the whirlpool and especially swimming my laps with no bulky, irritating suit to get in my way. I am officially spoiled, and don't know how I'll swim laps at Bally's Fitness this week! LOL!!!

The people tonight were wonderful... so kind to listen to me rattle on about it being my first time, and so very nice. It was so laid back and so accepting and it really was no big deal. Many people told me it would not be a big deal, but how can you believe them until you experience it? Your group as a whole made it so much easier than I thought it could ever be. I still can't believe I was completely naked in front of total strangers for three solid hours and I was OK with it. I didn't die! LOL!

Much to my surprise after the nerves leading up to tonight, I had a truly, truly awesome experience and I will remember it always. Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!

Finally, I CAN'T WAIT TO DO THIS AGAIN! I will try to get to the next swim, although I haven't looked at my schedule yet. I really enjoyed myself and I want to come again. I may want to join the AANR national nudist group W spoke of , but I don't remember the name. Could you please send me more information?

Thank you again for a wonderful, enjoyable, enlightening evening. I had a great time, I totally surprised myself, and I feel a LOT better about myself, too. Thank you!

From an email received February 4, 2011:

Skinny-dipping allows each of us to return to the simple joys of life we knew as children, before the 9-5 (or more) rat race, taxes, war, politics, and the "joys" of becoming older set in. As a family-oriented activity it gives us a really unique opportunity to connect with our children and demonstrate the human body as an ordinary thing of honesty worthy of respect and love, rather than as something to keep hidden in shame and fear. And if you like skinny-dipping, then you can go on to try skinny-hiking, skinny-mountain biking, skinny-running, and skinny-living! All of these things are possible in countries where individual freedoms are respected, understood and celebrated by many of us. Enjoy life because we may only get to do THIS once!
~ Den

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